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Introduction to Emotional Eating

Why You Emotionally Eat

Our First Step Course will help you identify what triggers you to eat emotionally and how you can implement strategies to start changing your relationship with food and your feelings. It’s fully online, so you can go at your own pace from the comfort of your living room couch (or wherever you have wifi)!

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Have an A-Ha Moment

Free Support

Our blog is a place to find support and clarity not just for emotional eating, but all aspects of your well-being! You’ll find insights based on things we’ve heard in sessions with clients, an emotional eating toolkit with strategies you can try, how to navigate your body size, and so much more!

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PRIVATE Sessions

One-on-One Support

For more than a decade Lynn has worked with people who wish they could just “get it together” with their eating and emotions. Does this sound familiar? If you feel ready to get clear on why you emotionally eat, we’re here for you.  All appointments are conducted online using Zoom or by telephone.

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Since 2011, the Centre for Emotional Eating has been helping people understand the root causes of their emotional eating. We have a number of unique tools and strategies to help you reduce the mental food noise—those intrusive, obsessive thoughts!—that leads you to criticize yourself and reach for food.

We let go of the “should” and instead focus on showing ourselves kindness in all different ways! With our support you can learn to feel calmer around food, your feelings, and in your body.

💛 Your peace awaits.


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Two Step

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Step 2